2. Planning for Advanced Air Mobility - March 2024
EA Maven has made a contribution to the document "Planning for Advanced Air Mobility," a collaborative effort with the Community Air Mobility Initiative (CAMI) and the American Planning Association.
At EA Maven we are committed to helping the industry get the best information available to support the adoption of hashtag#AAM. We worked closely with Pascall+Watson with the support of Matthew Butters and Julian Carlson and their team on the development of the concepts in the paper. Additional support from our friend Clint Harper, C.M. was greatly appreciated. Additional thanks goes to Yolanka Wulff at Community Air Mobility Initiative (CAMI) for their unwavering support and of course Adam Cohen and the American Planning Association. Our contribution can be found on page 58, but the whole document is worth your time.
Link to download the Report: https://www.planning.org/publications/report/9286262/